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How do Gamers spend their money?

In their original "template", gamers are not the optimal "Paying audience". 
Gamers are a passionate bunch, on the verge of zealotry to their favorite brands and game worlds. Yet, with the arrival of new gaming industries, such as the social and mobile space, spending habits seem to change drastically. If this is thanks to the abundance of games or the transparency and popularity of online transactions, this is yet to be deciphered. 

49% of social game players said that when they connect to social networks, they do so specifically to play social games. In addition, Facebook is by far the most popular web platform destination to play social games (83% of respondents said they play games there, compared to Myspace which is in second place with only 24%)

Spending Patterns (Social, BBG)
  1. Utility Goods (effect the game, rather than just vanity goods. see Virtual Goods) drive more users to pay.
  2. Sales and Special Bundles drive users to spend more.
  3. Repeat purchase should be as seamless as possible, facilitating the process.
  • One Time Purchase - $12 USD
  • Repeat Purchaser - $150 USD
  • Top Spender - $1000 USD

Out of 100% spenders, 56% will make a second purchase and 25% will purchase 3 times or more

47% of social gamers said they are very unlikely to purchase virtual items with real money, with only 9% saying they are very likely. Women are more unwilling to purchase virtual items with real money (54% said “very unlikely”) than men (38%).

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